Monday, January 16, 2012

The Fun Monday Game

I'll give this a shot :)

The Fun Monday Game...

{the rules}

1. post the rules
2. post 11 fun facts about yourself
3. answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and then create 11 new questions for the people you tag
4. tag 11 people and link them in your post
5. let them know you’ve “tagged” them

{facts about me}

 1 - I turned 30 and celebrated my 5th wedding anniversary all within the last 30 days.
 2 - I just started a new job a little less than 6 months ago which caused me to move ~ 200 miles away from my husband (until he can join me via job/sold house).
 3 - I enjoying being an aunt so much that some days I can't wait to be a mom and other times I am thankful for just being an aunt.
 4 - I love all things sweet: cupcakes, cookies, brownies ... and think that all meals should have a dessert - even breakfast.
 5 - My love for #4 makes weight management an issue ...
 6 - If I ever owned my own business I would want it to be a cupcake shop called: Delish - because it's o-so-good" or something like that.
 7 - I wish I was artistic but instead, I'm a realist. I cannot visualize but can clearly see what's there (or isn't).
 8 - I love Jesus.
 9 - I love spending time with my family (hence the ~200 mile move).
10 - I am so thankful for my Trophy Husband.
11 - I find it extremely difficult to list things about myself.

{questions from Tiffany, The Nagy Life}
1.  Who is your favorite person in your life right now?
     My favorite person in my life right now is my Trophy Husband. I always thought I knew the type of person I wanted to marry and I am so thankful that God showed me that there is more out there. He totally blessed me when He put Josh in my life. I am thankful for the last 5 years we've had together and I cannot wait to see what the future will bring. Thank You Lord!

2.  How would you describe as a good weekend?
     A good weekend for me is having a nice evening with my Trophyhus where we have take out in front of the tv and watch funny movies all night. Then, the next day we hang out with family playing games and general merriment. Then, Sunday we go to church and come home and watch football/tv and relax and get ready for the work week. Pretty much: Trophyhus + family + good food + good times - cooking - house cleaning = Great weekend.

3.  Favorite dessert?
     This is a difficult one. I love anything with chocolate and peanut butter. The Cheesecake Factory has a delish cheesecake with tons of both of these. That's probably the current winner for favorite.

4.  Favorite time of the year?
     I think Spring is my favorite time of the year. I love everything being "reborn" and "revived." Coming out of the cold winter into the promise of Spring makes me feel renewed and ready to take on everything. It's a nice reminder from Jesus that His mercies are new every morning (I really feel it in the Spring).

5.  What is one quality you love about yourself?
     I think I love my sense of humor. I really like to laugh and I think others like to laugh with me. I'm assuming they are laughing with me and not at me!

6.  What would you change about yourself?
     I would change my temper. I often feel like I am quick to get mad or quick to see the "wrong" in a situation instead of seeing the positive. I would like to be more optimistic instead of pessimistic.

7.  What is the purpose of your blog?
     The original purpose of my blog was to let my family know what was going on in our life since we lived so far away. Now, it has changed into a way to journal what's going on in our lives now so we can later revisit and see where we have come. I would love to print my blogs into a book of memories for us later. Oh, and to keep up with friends I've moved away from :)

8.  Tell me something crazy that you have done, that no one knows about.
     I'm pretty open so if I've done something, you probably know. One thing some people might not know is that for a short time in college I had a nose ring. An actual ring - until it feel out in my sleep during exam week. My dad hated it! If it wasn't so painful/time consuming, I'd probably get it done again. This time, it would just be the small diamond that I had envisioned. The ring was to help it heal better.

9.  Your best "mommy moment" (good or bad)?
     I'm not a mom yet so my favorite "auntie moment" would be when each of my neices/nephews learn to say my name. To Samson, I am "Nee." To Katie, I am "EM-ily" (say the EM and hold it then add the ily). To Elijah, I am "N-ily" or "Enemy." I can't wait to see how Boston says it!

10.  What do you do during your child's nap time?
     When the kiddos nap (while I live with my sister) we usually watch TV. We try not to watch it while they are awake unless it's the weekend.

11.  What is the boldest thing you have done?
     The boldest thing I've ever done? Probably give my life to Jesus. I had been trying to live my life my way until I realized I had no clue what I was doing. I had created a life with a job and friends and thought I knew what I was doing. After giving my life to Jesus, my life changed and I had to change what I was doing. I lost some friends during that time. They probably think I was mean, but I was being protective. I still love them and pray for them that they find Jesus like I did. What He has to offer is way better than what we were chasing.

{bloggers I am tagging}

Sara, doodlerificmom

Amber C, Maranatha!

{questions for those I'm tagging}

1. If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why?
2. Why do you blog?
3. Name 2 things on your bucket list.
4. What's your favorite guilty pleasure TV show?
5. What did you and your spouse do on your first date?
6. Do you know what you want to be when you grow up? If so, what?
7. Describe one of your proudest moments.
8. What's your favorite vacation spot?
9. What celebrity blog would you love to read?
10. What's your favorite hobby?
11. Name 2 reasons why you love your husband.

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