Friday, February 14, 2014

38 Weeks

We've made it to 38 weeks today - on Valentine's Day!

My ankles started swelling last weekend. It isn't an every day issue and it doesn't hurt as much as my hands do! I figure I'm doing pretty well if my biggest complaints are some recent swelling (didn't start till week 37), heartburn/indigestion/acid re-flux, and a few headaches here and there. I've been pretty blessed so far. I'm still waiting on that fabled "second wind" I'm supposed to get before Peanut arrives!

Today is Valentine's Day and Trophyhus didn't disappoint. He has been extra sweet and attentive today. He brought me flowers and a Kit Kat home to top it all off. I really do feel special to have such a wonderful, loving husband and a sweet baby boy on the way!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

36 weeks

Friday we hit the 36 week mark and it hit me - he's almost here! What?!? The 36 week check up was uneventful - which is a good thing. Peanut is growing and growing well. No change on due date so we'll see when he is ready to make his appearance. His due date is February 28th. Let's see! My hands are starting to swell but so far, my ankles and feet are ok. My fingers look terrible! Otherwise, all is well.

Today we tried to do a little photo shoot thanks to Pinterest inspiration to show the nursery to those who live far away. A big thanks to little sis Amber for hanging out and taking them ... however, we are goofballs and nothing ever comes out in real life like it does on Pinterest - I'm convinced! So, for your comedic relief - today's Pintrosities:

Just need to organize the changing station and add Peanut's name above the crib and the nursery will be 100% ready for his arrival!

Cravings ... I could really go for some Krispy Kreme right now! Tried to satisfy that craving with Dunkin' Donuts but it didn't work. We do have Krispy Kreme up here but they are not convenient to where I live/work. Probably a good thing though!