Sunday, January 20, 2013

Meet Luke David

Not too much has happened lately. I mean, other than the birth of my newest nephew Luke. That's a lot in and of itself! Here's a couple cute pics of him:

Good pic of Nana and Papa on Luke's bday
Katie and Elijah were so excited
I'm ready to spoil him ...
I love this pose!
Here's a glimpse at the snow we got on Thursday night.
I'm starting to feel the need to start running again. I'm just waiting on the desire. I know I need to, I just don't want too! The running stopped but the eating has picked up quite a bit ... thanks Pinterest! I made these cookies yesterday and they are the best ones I've had so far! They are from and I'll definitely be checking out her blog for more ideas.

cake batter chocolate chip cookies
Yum!!! What a great way to use sprinkles. Photo credit to Why didn't I take my on pic yesterday? Maybe it's cause I was too busy eating them ....
This is the first time my outcome actually looked like what I saw on pinterest. My goal is to share my experience with Pinterest more often.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

New Year - New Goal

My new goal (not a resolution) for 2013 is to document our life a little more often. I'm intrigued by the 365 photo challenge but sometimes there might be more than one picture that needs posting or there could be days when there is no reason to post anything (we are boring!) and I don't want to be constrained by that or feel like I have to post. This will be my attempt at documenting the year 2013!

January 1st! Portrait of me at the start of the new year ... decked out in new Christmas gear: App State sweater and cozy sweater boots.

January 1b - my view for most of the day:

I love these sweater boots. I hate taking them off. They are way more comfortable than I ever thought. Great buy Trophyhus!

January 2nd:

I developed a cold and Mom suggested a concoction of apple cider vinegar and honey. It didn't taste good and I'm not sure if it worked, but I did it twice. It taste pretty gross - like vinegar with honey ... it's all the rage on the internet ... I'm not sure it helped a ton, but I did feel better after I taking it.

Jan 5th: Lunch with Mom, Ty, and Amber ... why didn't I take a picture?

Jan 6th: Nutella Chocolate Chip Cookies from Pinterest

These were pretty good - not great, but good. Very chocolaty. I made a little over two dozen cookies and cleaned up within about an hour. That's not too bad considering I'm still getting used to my mixer. Please let me know if you have any great recipes for a newbie with a mixer!

You'll notice, there are no baby pics in this entry. Baby Boy Gaston is holding his own. Today was his due date and I don't know who is more ready for him to make his entry - his parents or his aunts! Good news is it is definitely this week. No worries - I'll be a good aunt and post plenty of pics to torture him with when he is a teenager.

With everyone dieting and exercising, I feel the need to move a bit more. All this baking is going to make it a necessity instead of a hobby! For now, I'm running to work tomorrow so I can share these cookies! If I don't keep them all, I can't eat them all! Right?

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Where have I been?

It's been a while since I posted (September to be exact!) ... so where have I been? Here. Doing nothing! We are pretty boring and I'm ok with that. It's just been work, home, sleep, repeat. Below are a few pics I snapped with the phone. Someone might find this interesting:


Josh playing with Katie and Elijah 
Amber and Sam got me new earrings :)

Carrie and I shared a Nutella Crepe at Baker's Crust - delish!
Phone cover for a while
First attempt at Banana Bread - not bad
Fall Decor
Apple Pies for work potluck
Danielle visits!
And we made cookie-PB cup-brownies! 
Tim Hawkin's concert in Greensboro
for Jeremy's bday!
Katie and Lij got new shirts
and Katie likes to make funny faces for photos
I got in for a quick picture. Lij's shirt says it all - My Auntie Rocks ... and she does (Cause it's me)!
Carrie needed a stache photo for work and I helped. So I took one of myself too ... it was for work, right? 
Josh and I went to the Landmark Theater to see the Grinch
Got my first stand mixer
Front door decor
Christmas lovin' from Boston
Stache fun with Samson. He wasn't feeling good in this pic but was a good sport. 
Fun with a new cookie press
I think based on these photos I might need to put the stache down ... but they are so funny!

What have I been running for? Well, I've been running from running ... and you can see all the delicious yummies I've had over the past few months. With the new mixer, better get out of my way cause there's going to be more! I better start running again!